Discover the latest articles written by this specialist. They can help you delve into specific topics and guide you in choosing a suitable specialist for your needs.

Licensed and verified specialist
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Healthy lifestyle, the right diet for you, how to lose weight or gain weight in a healthy way, what to eat if you suffer from a metabolic disease or mindfulness in food. My main specialization is:
I can also help you with
Lose Weight
Second Opinion
Healthy diets
Eating Disorders
Weight gain
I can speak to you in:
Sunt Coca și te invit alături de mine în minunata și spectaculoasa călătorie a stilului de viață sănătos și echilibrat.
International Coach Academy
2015 - 2017
Associate Certified Coach
2018 -
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Universitatea „Politehnica” din Timișoara
1997 -
Universitatea “ Spiru Haret” - Facultatea de Psihologie și Științele Educației Brașov
2016 -
Membru ICF
Discover the latest articles written by this specialist. They can help you delve into specific topics and guide you in choosing a suitable specialist for your needs.
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